DGM Agility is an authorise Account Information Service Provider (AISP) which enables us to provide a gateway to the Open Banking service for our customers. This service offers our customers access to and aggregation of financial information of an individual or business. We collect, store, and make available the information as a service within our dedicated cloud infrastructure.

Aggregated information enables users to access and view their financial information from multiple accounts. DGM Agility then surfaces this aggregated information via a common portal. Making use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) we can further enrich this information providing the detail and trends with predicted better outcomes for customers.

Making use of AI/ML tools

  • We are able to efficiently aggregate and analyse large volumes of financial data from multiple sources. Our unique algorithms can identify patterns, trends, and anomalies in the data, providing valuable insights into the user’s financial behaviour and preferences.
  • By analysing the user’s financial information and transaction history, AI powers AISP services can offer personalised recommendations tailored to the individuals financial circumstances.
  • We can use AI/ML with the use in fraud detection, creating financial risk profiling and detect potential fraud or suspicious activities by analysing patterns an unusual behaviour.
  • We are able to improve end to end processes by automating routine tasks such as categorising transactions, generating reports, or updating financial records.

Not only does DGM Agility provide these services but can also provide consultancy services regarding the development of OB service integrations.

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Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

Our Deployment Model

Fully Integrated

Our fully integrated service will enable you to provide the account information service seamlessly via your website.

Mobile Connected

Mobile connected will enable you to offer the account information service to your customers from a mobile device such as a tablet. This is typically used during a face to face engagement with your customer.